2024-2025 Review HW For Sig Figs, Fundamental Principles And Lab Safety

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27) As part of the Kinetic Molecular Theory, everything is made up to "thing", what are they?

27) As part of the Kinetic Molecular Theory, everything is made up to two "thing", what are they?

Name: ____________________________ Period: _______

Answering the following questions showing all work.

Part 1: Lab Safety and Equipment

1) State the name, function, and location of the Emergency shower? What is the issue/problem with pulling the handle on this device?

2) What is the lab safety device that must be put on before you start any labwork, keep on until you leave the lab? Where can these items be found in the room and what is the name of the device that stores/keeps them?

3) Is it ok to eat food while you are doing a lab ? Yes or No (Circle answer).

Part 2: Memorizing Measuring Base Unit Table and Metric system Table

4) What is the name of the base unit for mass?

5) Fill in the following blanks: ________ cm = _____m

6) What is the symbol/unit for temperature?

7) What is the unit for 1E-12 ?

8) What is the name for base unit of amount of substance?

9) What is the name of 1000 (or 1E3)?

10) Fill in the following blanks: ________ nm = _______m (need to use scientific notation for numbers in blanks).

Part 3: Measuring and Significant Figures

11) What do you call what you write when you use your 5 sense in a lab?

12) Define precision.

13) How is accuracy different than precision?

14) How is a qualitative observation different than a quantitative observation?

15) Using the Significant figure system of measuring observation, why is it important that one has both accuracy and precision? Hint: are you sure about that results?

16) Unlike math, every number is not "significant", why?

17) When you are measuring something using significant figure system, what is the definition of "significant figure"?

18) Going to the Station out in the lab area, complete the following:

18a) Station A :Description: _______________ Measurement: _______

18b) Station B : Description: _______________ Measurement: _______

19) When you are reading someone else's number, all digits are "known" except _____?

20) How many sig figs does 0.03040g have ________?
Explain why each digit is significant (using number system in notes?

21) How do you show 2100g with 3 sig figs? ________________

Part 4 : Fundamental Principles and Particles (Base units)

22) Atoms are one of the base unit (particles) and the other particles are when atom group together. When atom do group together, what part of the atom do they share/transfer?

23) What is the compound name, "bond name", and particle name when atoms "share their electrons"?

24) Same as Q23 except when atoms "transfer" either electrons.

25) In Q24, there are two species that occur when atoms transfer electrons. Name the species, what is the charge of it and what does that mean with respect to electrons?

26) Define Kinetic Molecular Theory (one of two words need to know verbatim)

27) As part of the Kinetic Molecular Theory, everything is made up to two "thing", what are they?

28) What are the two conservation laws that go with KMT above?

29) Define temperature (2nd of two words you need to know verbatim).

30) When particles collide and the particles "reorganize" how they are grouped, it is called a ___________ change (there is also another name, ________). What types of forces are you affecting?

31) When particles collide but DO NOT "reorganize" but stay the same grouping, it is called a _____________ change. However, the particles do "interact" with each other. These forces we called _________________ force (abbreviation is _____ ).

32) Knowing the KMT, what is in between the particles in any substance?

33) Since temperature is not same as energy (one name for energy is heat) and knowing the definition of temperature above, what is the one thing that most people MISUNDERSTAND about the amount of energy each particle in a substance have?

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