Editing 2022-2023 Christmas Molarity Kool-Aid Solution Lab
You will be making a Molarity solution of Kool-Aid. You are going to assume (BAD ASSUMPTION) that the volume of the solvent (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>1</sub>) is the same as the volume of the solution (sol'n).<br> <br> You will use 133mL as the volume of the solution (top "rib" of plastic cup).<br> <br> We will assume that the Kool-Aid is all sugar, actually sucrose (C<sub>12</sub>H<sub>22</sub>O<sub>11</sub>).<br> <br> Directions:<br> <br> 1) Put the plastic cup on the electronic balance and "zero it out" (also called Tare). <br> 2) Get 1 teaspoon of Kool-Aid mix (and level it with a wooden stirring rod).<br> 3) Add Kool-Aid to plastic cup while on scale.<br> 4) Write down the mass of the Kool-Aid.<br> 5) Take plastic cup off scale.<br> 6) Add water until solution level get to the "top rib" on plastic cup.<br> 7) Using a separate wooden stirring rod, mix to make the solution.<br> 8) Either share drinking the solution or add solution into little tasting cup.<br> 9) ALL solutions must be gone and none can be poured down the sink. <b>IF YOU MAKE YOU CONSUME IT</b><br> 10) Do calculations below show all work.<br> <br> Data Table:<br> 1) Mass of Kool-Aid mix:<br> 2) Volume of solution (ml):<br> <Br> Show work below or on back to a) Find molar mass of sucrose, b) Moles of sucrose, c) volume of solution, d) Molarity of solution.<br> <br> <br> <P style="page-break-before: always"> <br>
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