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Degree of Solubility

Solubility- is the maximum quanity of solute that can dissolve in a certain quantity of solvent at a specific temperature.

The factors that effect solubility are-

1.The nature of the solute and solvent.

This deals with polarity. In this case likes dissolve likes. Polar solutes will disolve in polar solvents like water. Non polar solute like a hydrocarbon will only dissolve in a non polar solvent like alcohol.


The dissolving of a solute into a solution is an endothermic reaction. Therefor as more heat is available (or the temp is increased) more solute will have the energy to dissolve. This means that the solubility will increase as temperature increases.

For gases the solubility decreases as the temperature of the solution rises.


For solid and liquid solutes, changes in pressure have practically no effect on solubility. For gaseous solutes an increase in pressure increases the solubility and a decrease in pressure decreases the solubility.(When the cap on a bottle of soda pop is removed, pressure is released, and the gaseous solute bubbles out of solution)


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Last edited May 28, 2003 11:12 am (diff)