Periodic Trend Notes For Powerpoint

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This webpage are note pages for the Periodic Trend Powerpoint Presentation.

Slide 1 : ________________________________________________________

Slide 2 : Picture of Atom

Slide 3: Periodic Trend for Columbic Force (CF)

Slide 4: ___________________________________________

Slide 5 & 6:

Slide 7: Periodic Trend for Atomic Radii (AR)

Slide 8: Def of Ionization Energy

Slide 9,10& 11:

Slide 12: Periodic Trend for Ionization Energy (IE)

Slide 13: Two Exception to 1st Ionization Energy (IE) (Across the Period):
1. Be --> B Trend:

2. N --> O Trend:

Slide 14: Def of Electronegativity

What EN really means

How does it relate to Fluorine?

Slide 15:

Slide 16: Periodic Trend for Electronegativity (EN)

Slides 17 - 21 (Ionic Size or Ionic Radii)

Slide 22:Periodic Trend for Ionic Radii (IR)

Across a Period: Metals large --> small, then Non-metal large --> small
(Caution: Are not looking at same charge ion when across period)

Metals: IR vs. AR :

Non-metals: IR vs. AR :

Slide 23: Definition of Metal

Properties of Metals/Non-metals

Periodic Trend for Metallic Characteristic

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Last edited February 24, 2014 7:48 am (diff)