______ Na2(CO3)1 + _____ H3C6H5O7 ==> ____ H2(CO3)1 + ____ Na3(C6H5O7)1 |
______ Na1(HCO3)1 + _____ H3C6H5O7 ==> ____ H2(CO3)1 + ____ Na3(C6H5O7)1 |
E + F |
E F |
Chem Name (Ingredient) F: _________________ |
Chem Name (Products) F: _________________ |
Chem Name (Ingredient) E: _________________ |
Chem Name (Products) E: _________________ |
Chem Name (Ingredient) D: _________________ |
Chem Name (Products) D: _________________ |
Chem Name (Ingredient) C: _________________ |
Chem Name (Products) C: _________________ |
Chem Name (Ingredient) B: _________________ |
Chem Name (Ingredient) B: _________________ Mass of B Added: ________________g |
Mass of B : ________________g Chem Name (Ingredient) A: _________________ Mass of A : ________________g |
Chem Name (Ingredient) A: _________________ Mass of A Added: ________________g |
needed in above reaction. |
needed in above reaction below or separate sheet |
You needed ____g baking soda to react all the citric acid and you added_____g. Which reactant is limiting reactant: ___________ |