Editing 2018 - 2019 CP Chemistry 329
<center><b>Year 2018-2019 Chem 329 College Prep (CP) Chemistry Website</b></center><br> <center>Mr. <nowiki>McLeod's</nowiki> email account: tmcleod@duxbury.k12.ma.us (also can be found on Duxbury school webpage)</center><br> <br> *[http://bussongs.com/songs/cleanup-song.php Clean-up Song]<br> *[[HTML for Funky Symbols]] <br> <b>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qREKP9oijWI Relaxing Beach Video]</b><br> <br> <i>[http://www.duxbury.k12.ma.us Duxbury School Homepage]</i>, <i>[https://ma-duxbury.myfollett.com/aspen/logon.do X2 Portal Sign In Page]</i>, <i>[https://duxbury.schoology.com/login/ldap?&school=71500357 Click here to go to Schoology Sign In Page]</i>, <i>[http://www.tmcleod.org Mr. McLeod Main Webpage]</i><br> <br> [[Grading Group Work with DHS Collaboration Rubric]]<br> <br> [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsh3MSd3ALz9brQ8DBuv4FB-oZPQ7RIwiJzkktJQ7XDazB9Q/formResponse 2018-2019 Link to iLab Attendance Google Form], [https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/sl/pwd?service=mail&passive=true&rm=false&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%2F&ss=1&scc=1<mpl=default<mplcache=2&emr=1&osid=1&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin My google sign-in page]<br> <br> ----<br> <br> <b>329 Chemistry CP Introductory Information</b> * *[[Chem329 College Prep (CP) Course Outline/Syllabus]] (need to complete) *[http://tmcleod.org/cgi-bin/apchem/wiki.cgi?LabSafetyContract LabSafetyContract] <br> -----<br> <b><center>2019-2020 CP Chemistry</b></center><br> <br> *[[CP Questions for Observation of a Chemical Reaction]] * ---------<br> <u><b>2018-2019 CP Chem329 Chemistry</b></u><br> <br> <u>Topics</u> *[[CP Chem329 Lab Skills]] *[[CP Chem329 IntroMath]] *[[CP Matter and Change]] *[[CP Energy (thermochemistry)]] *[[CP Atomic Structure]] *[[CP Electron Configuration]] *[[CP Periodic Table]] *[[CP Bonding]] *[[CP Naming Compounds]] *[[CP Mole Concept]] *[[CP Chemical Reactions]] *[[CP Molecular Geometry Polarity IMF and Physical Properties]] *[[CP Solutions and Acid Bases]] *[[CP Gasses]] *[[2019-2020 Chem329 Midyear Exam LDS Worksheet]] <b>Objectives</b><br> **[[Objectives of Labskills and Measurement I]] **[[Objective of Mass and Matter - Revised 2015]] **[[CP Objectives of Mass and Matter - Revised 2020]] **[[Objectives of Labskills and Measurement II]] **[[Objectives of Energy - Revised 2015-2016]] **[[Objectives of CP Atomic Structure and Atomic Mass]] **[[CP Objectives for Electron Configuration]] **[[CP Objectives for Electron Configuration - Revised 2019]] **[[CP Objectives for Periodic Table]] **[[CP Objectives for Periodic Table - Revised 2019]] **[[CP Objectives for Naming Compounds]] **[[CP Objectives for Bonding]] **[[CP Objectives for Mole Concept]] **[[CP Objectives for Mole Concept - Revised 2019]] **[[CP Objectives for Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry]] **[[CP Objectives for Molecular Geometry, Polarity, IMF and Physical Properties]] **[[CP Objectives for Gases and Kinetic Molecular Theory]] <br> <u>2020-2021 CP Objectives</u><br> *[[2020-2021 Objectives for Elements, Subatomic Particles and Atomic Mass]] *[[2020-2021 Objectives for Atomic History thru Schrodinger]] *[[2020-2021 CP Objectives for Periodic Table]] *[[2020-2021 CP Objectives for Mole Concept]] *[[2020-2021 CP Objectives of Chemical Bonding]] *[[2020-2021 CP Objectives of Chemical Reactions]] *[[2020-2021 CP Objectives of Stoichiometry and Limiting Reactants]] <br> ---------<br> <b>Chem 329 Level 2 Homework 2006-2007</b><br> *[[2nd Semester Period Six 0607]] <b>Objectives</b><br> *[[Objectives of Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry]] *[[Objectives of Oxidation Numbers and Redox Reaction]] *[[Objectives of Kinetics]] *[[Objectives of Equilibrium]] *[[Objectives of Periodic Table]] *[[Objectives of Bonding II and Intermolecular Force]]<br> *[[Objectives of Phase of Matter]]<br> *[[Objectives of Gases and Kinetic Molecular Theory]]<br> *[[Objectives of Solution]]<br> *[[Objectives of Acids/Base]]<br> *[[Objectives of Nuclear Chemistry]]<br> <br> <br> *[[Stoichiometry]] *[[Measuring Folder Lab]] *[[Review Homework for Mass and 1st Math]] *[[Atomic Structure]] *[[Electron Configuration]] *[[Massing Mole Problem for Christmas Time]] *[[Another Massing of Chocolate Handout]] *[[Energy]] *[[Big Picture]] *[[Handout for Compound Dice Game]] *[[Answer to Mid-Year Exam Review Problems]] *[[Tentative Schedule]] *[[1st Mole Concept]] *PeriodSix0607 *[[Ions and Ionic Compounds]] *[[Covalent Bonds and Molecular Compounds]] *[[Polarity and Intermolecular Forces (IMF)]] *[[Periodic Table Notes 2]] *[[Review Homework for Gas Problems 2]] *[[CP Objectives for Atomic Structure, Electron configuration and Periodic Table]]
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