Editing revision 30 of 2019-2020 Gases
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Since we have one week to deal with Gasses, I will simply provide the information and will NOT be doing any demos or labs. At the bottom of this webpage, there is a link to a simulator/animation to better understand the "Gas Laws" (Boyle's, Charle's, and Gay-Lassic Laws).<br> <br> We will first look at the Particle view of Gasses including the 4 main parameters/characteristics of gas particles, under General Information on Gasses.<br> <u>General Information on Gases</u><br> *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAT4yc0Gsdg&feature=youtu.be You Tube Video on the Behavior of Gas Particles] - watch this video (about 11 mins) **[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/Chem328Gas/GasBehaviorHandout.pdf Handout of Behavior of Gas Particles] - Notes that include all 3 webpages below and other hand notes ***KineticTheoryofGas ***GasParameters ***GasPressure <br> So now you should know that Gas particles have four parameters <b>(think of the gas particles in a balloon):</b><br> a) Volume, volume gas particle occupy not actual size of particle, usually in mL or L (symbol V)<br> b) Number of gas particles, usually in V), in number of moles (symbol n)<br> c) Gas pressure (I think of number of hits on the container wall for all the gas particle in substance), many different unit but atm is most used, (symbol P)<br> <b>d) Temperature, energy that the gas particle has, ALWAYS in Kelvin temperature scale K, (symbol T): MOST IMPORTANT ONE TO REMEMBER:</b><br> <br> Now we will start taking a look at Gas calculations. There are "a lot" of gas calculations "out there" so I have found it best to organize then into different group. However, all of the equations are derived or comes from the Ideal Gas law (that will be explained below). <br> <br> Unlike some of the other chemical concepts, for gas calculations, I think it is important to have an overview of all the gas calculations before getting dealing with any specific gas calculation.<br> <br> SO the next section deals with Overview. Before you start looking at the Youtube video, I would like to emphasize what I call a Condition. Each condition is a gas (actually a lot of gas particles) that can be describe with the 4 parameters (V,n,P,T). So there are 2 possibilities:<br> a) 1 Condition problem: this is where one is just describing the gas using the 4 parameters (no action verbs in question/problem<br> b) 2 Condition problem : this is where one is "doing something" to the gas SO there is the initial condition (Condition 1) and then after you do something (i.e. increasing temp, decreasing volume), you have the new condition (Condition 2). Usually, people use 1 and 2 as subscripts in the equation.<br> <br> Here is a more in-depth overview.<br> <br> <u>Overview of Gas Calculations</u><br> *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qw13w-NSOQ&feature=youtu.be You Tube Video for Overview of Gas Calculations] - watch this video (14 min) **[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/Chem328Gas/GasOverviewHandout.pdf Overview of Gas Calculations] - Great One page of equation, etc. ***[[Steps to Calculate Gas Problems]] - General Procedures to follow for all the calculations below ***[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/Chem328Gas/GasLawExampleofWork.pdf Actual Example of Work for Gas Problems] (has actual work on page) <br> <br> <center><b>All Temperatures used in Gas Calculations MUST BE in KELVIN (K) not Celsius or Fahrenheit!!!!!!!</b></center><br> <br> <center><u><b>1 Condition Gas Problem (can tell if there is no action verbs in problem)</b></u></center><br> <br> <u><b>Ideal Gas Law</b></u><br> *[[Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP)]] - notes *IdealGasLaws - notes *[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/Chem328Gas/IdealGasLawExampleofWork.pdf Example of Work for Ideal Gas Law - One Problem] *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezPU9kLPX5I&feature=youtu.be You Tube video of Expected Work for Ideal Gas Law Calculations] *IdealGasLawsProblemSet (answers at bottom of page) <br> <br> <center><u><b> 2 Condition Gas Problems (See action verbs in problem, expand or decrease,etc)</b></u></center><br> <br> <u><b>[[General Information for 2 Condition Gas Problems]]</b></u><br> *[http://www.mhhe.com/physsci/chemistry/essentialchemistry/flash/gasesv6.swf Animated webpage to explain Gas Laws (Charles, Boyle, Gus-Lassic) and Avogadro's Hypothesis] *GasLaws *[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/0708gaslawworkseet.doc Gas Laws Worksheet] <br> <u><b>Boyle's Law</b></u> - P varies indirectly with V @const T & n <br> *<i>Particle View of Matter (KMT) explanation</i>: if you keep the Temp,T, (energy/speed each particle has) and number of gas particles (n) the same, as you reduce the size of the container (decrease V), the particles would have to "hit the wall" more often thereby increasing total hits on wall (increase P).<br> *[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/Chem328Gas/BoyleLawExampleofWork.pdf Example of Work for Boyle's Law - One Problem] *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmmVJ6AlavE&feature=youtu.be You Tube video on Expected Work for Boyle's Law Calculations] *BoylesLawProblemSet <br> <u><b>Gay - Lussaic's Law (No Name Law)</b></u> - T varies directly with V @const P & n <br> *<i>Particle View of Matter (KMT) explanation</i>: if you keep the total number of hits on the wall the same (const P) and the number of gas particles (n) the same, as you increase the Temp,T, (energy/speed of particles), the volume must increases (V) since the gas particles are moving "faster/farther" and they can not hit the wall more times (const P), the volume must be greater. <br><br> *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDiwAgXMThw You Tube Video for directions for Guy-Lussaic's Law Demo] *[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/Chem328Gas/GuyLussaicLawWork.pdf Example of Work for Guy-Lussaic Law - One Problem] *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApPGH4hdFzw&feature=youtu.be You Tube video of Expected Work for Guy-Lussaic Law Calculations] *[[Guy-Lussaic' (No Name) Law Problem Set]] <br> <u><b>Charles' Law</b></u> - T varies directly with V @const P & n <br> *<i>Particle View of Matter (KMT) explanation</i>: if you keep the total number of hits on the wall the same (const P) and the number of gas particles (n) the same, as you increase the Temp,T, (energy/speed of particles), the volume must increases (V) since the gas particles are moving "faster/farther" and they can not hit the wall more times (const P), the volume must be greater. <br> *[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/Chem328Gas/CharlesLawExampleofWork.pdf Example of Work for Charles' Law - One Problem] *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-YXEKXHOjU&feature=youtu.be You Tube video of Expected Work for Charles' Law Calculations] *CharlesLawProblemSet <br> <br> <u><b>[[Avogadro's Hypothesis]]</b></u><br> *[[Avogadro's Hypothesis Notes]] *[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/Chem328Gas/AvogadroHypothesisExampleofWork.pdf Example of Work for Avogadro's Hypothesis - One Problem] *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0PgLufo-G8&feature=youtu.be You Tube video on Expected Work on Avogadro's Hypothesis Calculations] *AvogadrosHypothesisProblemSet <br> <u><b>Combined Gas Law - Where 1 parameter (n=number of moles) is held constant , 3 parameters vary</b></u><br> *CombinedGasLaw *[http://www.tmcleod.org/Level1/Chem328Gas/CombinedGasExpectedWork.pdf Example of Expected Work for Combined Gas Law Calculations] *[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLHbhW9BJ3Y&feature=youtu.be You Tube Video on Expected Work for Combined Gas Law Calculations] *CombinedGasLawProblemSet <br> <br> <u>Animation/simulation for Gas Laws</u><br> *[https://teachchemistry.org/periodical/issues/november-2015/gas-laws Simulator for Boyle's, Charles' and Gay-Lussac Law]
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