Periodic Trend Atomic Radii/Size (AR) Table

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Periodic Trend Atomic Radii/size Table

Atomic Radii/size Table

Atomic Radii/size Table
1 (1A) 2 (2A) 13 (3A) 14 (4A) 15 (5A) 16 (6A) 17 (7A) 18 (8A)
H 37 He 31
Li 152 Be 112 B 85 C 77 N 75 O 73 F 72 Ne 71
Na 186 Mg 160 Al 143 Si 118 P 110 S 103 Cl 100 Ar 98
K 227 Ca 197 Ga 135 Ge 122 As 120 Se 119 Br 114 Kr 112
Rb 248 Sr 215 In 167 Sn 140 Sb 140 Te 142 I 133 Xe 131
Cs 265 Ba 222 Tl 170 Pb 146 Bi 150 Po 168 At 140 Rn 140
1. The d-block and f-block elements are not shown and DK is Do not know / find value.
2. First row indicates the names of the column (also called groups or family)
(Ex. 1(1A) indicates Group 1 or sometimes called Group 1A)
3. Atomic radii values above are in picometers (pm).
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Last edited November 30, 2023 2:42 pm (diff)