2021-2022 Honors Chem328 Objectives For Periodic Table And Electron Configuration

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4) Relate the position of an element on the Periodic Table to its Electron Configuration (and number of valence electrons). In other words, be able to write the electron configuration (and number of valence electrons) from the Periodic Table.

4) Relate the position of an element on the Periodic Table to its Electron Configuration (and number of valence electrons). In other words, be able to write the electron configuration (and number of valence electrons) for the highest energy level electrons (i.e. S 2s2 2p4) from the Periodic Table.

2021-2022 Objectives for Periodic Table and Electron Configuration

Essential Questions (EQ2): Are there any basic particles?

Each student will be able to:

1) Explain the difference between Medeleev and Moseley's Periodic Table.

2) Explain the relationship of an element's position on the Periodic Table to its atomic number
3) Describe the Modern Periodic Law

4) Relate the position of an element on the Periodic Table to its Electron Configuration (and number of valence electrons). In other words, be able to write the electron configuration (and number of valence electrons) for the highest energy level electrons (i.e. S 2s2 2p4) from the Periodic Table.

5) Relate the chemical charateristics to the Family elements and how Electron configuration detemines it.

6) Give appropriate Elements for the Groups, Periods, and other designated elements including metals, non-metals, and metalloids (semi-metals).

7) Describe what Coulombic force (both attractive & repelsion) and the two major factors that affect the strength of the Coulombic Force (charge on the nucleus & electron).

8) Give and explain the trends for Coulombic force (CF) as you go down a Group and across a Period.

9) Give and explain the trend for Atomic radii/size (AR) as you go down a Group and across a Period.

10) Define Ionization Energy (IE) and give the trends for IE as you go down a Group and across a Period. Be able to explain the trend using C.F.(not Shielding effect). Also, state the two Exceptions for Period 2 & 3 (2 for each period).

11) Define Electronegativity (EN) and state(including why using C.F.)the general trends as you go down a Group and across a Period.

12) State and explain why (using other trends)the trends for Metallic Characteristics as you go down a Group and across a Period.

13) Explain how the ionic radius compares to the atomic radius for Metals and then for Non-metals. 'DO NOT usually explain general trends across Period'. Down a Group is same as Atomic radii.

14) Student will need to memorize the seven diatomic elements and their phase (i.e. solid, liquid or gas) at room temperature.

15) Students need to be able to locate the following on the Periodic Table

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