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1. Obtain 6 small test tubes and make them 1 - 6.
2. Add Solution A to Test tube 1
3. Add Solution B to Test tube 2
4. Add a grain or two of salt to Test tube 1 and Test tube 2 and make observations. Stir each with a wooden stirrer then (separate stirrer for each test tube. Make observations.
Answer the following Question(s).
Which solution dissolved the salt? (write answer here)
5. Add Solution A to Test tube 3 and Test tube 4. Add one drop of Red dye to each test tube. Stir with wooden stirrer (separate stirrer for each test tube. Make observation.
6. Add Solution B to Test tube 5 and Test tube 6. Add one drop of Green dye to each test tube. Stir with wooden stirrer (separate stirrer for each test tube). Make observations.