Properties HW

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Classify each of the properties listed below as extensive physical. intensive physical, or chemical.

1. Color ___________, 2. Combustibility __________, 3. Hardness ____________

4. Density _______, 5. Mass _______, 6. Melting point _______, 7. Ductility ______

8. Volume ______, 9. Failure to react w/other substances _______, 10. Odor _______

11. Weight ______, 12. Malleability _______, 13. Tendency to corrode _______

Some of the measured properties of a given substance are listed below. Write the general name
describing each property (use the name from P1-P13 above).

14. 15 dm3 ____________
15. Can easily be hammered into sheets ___________
16. 2.8 g/cm3 ____________
17. Burns when heated in the presence of O2 ____________
18. Stinks when heated __________
19. Can be scratched by a diamond __________
20. 500 degree C __________
21. Can easily be drawn into a wire. __________

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Last edited September 4, 2013 1:10 pm (diff)