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Be a Maker, not just a Consumer
In our current world, one can find/buy almost everything and usually done by simply typing some keystrokes on a computer/phone/electronic devise.
With this ease of obtaining material goods, what sometimes is lost is the "Art" of making something. Of course, you can find thousands of reasons why you had to "buy it" instead of making it. For example, have two small children, a full time job, and elderly parent,etc. so can't find time to learn how to make chocolate chip cookies (never any nuts) or pizza.
Hence the phrase above. I would like you to try to make something instead of just buying something.
For this current time, it does not make a difference what you are going to make EXCEPT IT CAN'T BE DIGITAL. It must be physical that you are going to make yourself (a little help from a parent, etc. is ok too if it makes you feel more comfortable). A major reason for me to ask you to do this project is to get you away from the electronic devices (unless you are making the actual physical electronic device).
A) Limitations of Project(s) (Of course school/parent appropriate)
1) As started above, it must be something you PHYSICALLY make. NO DIGITAL generations.
2) FOR NOW, the timeline for completion is less than one week. Must be done for the Friday submission. Also, it should be something you can do in a short period of time (an hour unless you want to spend more time).
3) When completed, it does NOT have to be CORRECT or WORK.
B) Product
1) Objective/hypothesis/reason to do project
- Here you are giving a ONE sentence (maximum of two) stating what you are going to be doing
2) Explanation of how it was done
- Use a bullet format
- Complete sentences are not necessarily needed every time (but can be if so desire)
3) Deliverables
- Short explanation of the product or what happened (and if it did not work maybe something you could do different. Could be a good another project).
- Since you are going to submit this online, you will have to take a picture, or video or audio of your product
- REMEMBER, it does not have to work or be correct. IT IS THAT YOU JUST TRIED.
4) Will be submitted to Assignment section of Schoology
5) Deadline: Every Friday (end of day)