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Directions- Print this page out and do this work. Write the Definition of each word below. Use the information from Chapter 9 to assist you.

Chemical Equation-

Word Equation-

Formula Equation-

Directions- Answer each question using chapter 9 for assistance

1. What additional information do coefficients tell you about a chemical equation?

2. Find the moles of each particle and the coefficients of the following equation, if there are 92.0 g of Na and 32.o g of O2 that come together to form 124.0 g of Na2O.

             moles of Na: ____           moles of O2: ____        moles of Na2: ____

                         ___Na  +  ___O2 -->  ___Na2O

3. Write the equation for the endothermic reaction of CO2 breaking into C and O2.

4. Write the equation for the exothermic reaction of C and O2 combining to form CO2.

5. Show the chemical formula for each of the following, include phases.

         solid magnessium metal-

         liquid iodine-

         solid sodium chloride-

         gaseous water- 

         sodium chloride dissolved in water-

         sodium hydroxide dissolved in water- 

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Last edited May 30, 2003 1:31 pm (diff)