Answers To 2021-2022 Review For General Info On Bonding, LDS Structure And Bond Length/Energy

ChemistryWiki | Answers To 2021-2022 Review For General Info On Bonding, LDS Structure And Bond Length | RecentChanges | Preferences

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Here are the answers to: 2021-2022 Review for General Info on Bonding, LDS Structures and Bond Length/Energy

Part 1

1) N2Cl5

2) Carbonic acid

3) Ca1Cl2

4) H2SO3

5) Sodium phosphite

Part 2

1a) Lewis Dot Structures (LDS) - show what valence electrons are being shared between what atoms and how many unshared/lone pair each atom have

1b) VSPER (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) - creates shape/geometry for LDS

1c) Hybridization - theory that explain all of this model.

2) ΔEN = 0.4, covalent (since it is less than 1.7).

3) No, since double bond have 2 pair of valence electron being shared between the two atoms, there will be more "pull" (higher CF), so the atoms would be closer to get (lower bond length) and more energy (higher bond energy) to remove the atoms from each other. This is of course compared to a single bond that has ONLY one shared pair of valence electrons between the two atoms.

4) ΔEN = 2.6, ionic bond (since it is greater than 1.7).
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Edited May 12, 2022 2:32 pm (diff)